Electric Vehicle Charging Station Economics Calculator

Annual Finances
Electrical Cost:Fixed Cost:
Income: Net Profit:
Charging Sessions / Day:
Station Power Level (kW):
kWh / Session:
Summer kWh Rate: $
Summer kW Rate: $
Summer Months:
Winter kWh Rate: $
Winter kW Rate: $
Winter Months:
Fixed Charges: $
Annual Costs
Maintenance: $
Insurance: $
Connectivity: $
Capital Cost
Capital Cost: $
Interest Rate: %
Amortized: $
Connection Fee: $

Click to select per-min mode
Per-Min Charge: $
Connection Length: m
Click to select per-kWh mode
Per-kWh Charge: $

Secondary Benefits
Sales Per Visit: $

Break-even Rates
Electric Rate $/kWh
Demand Charge $/kW
Blue dot: User input electric rates and demand charge
Black line: The break-even threshold calculated from the user's cost inputs.
Blue dots to the left of or underneath the line mean that station costs are sufficiently low enough to generate positive revenue even while subject to the electric utility's rates and demand charge. Blue dots above and to the right of the line represent stations that incur net losses due to operational and energy costs.